79 year-old Jean got out of bed one morning with a terrible pain from the right hip down to her right knee and shin. It came without any reason and was so intense that she could hardly move. She went to see the doctor and was asked to take 16 tablets each day. Unfortunately she felt sick, dizzy and sleepy after taking them, and the pain didn't get any better. She had been in agony for 3 weeks before coming to my clinic. It was her daughter who benefitted from my treatment in the past persuaded her to come. I chose 5 points in her lower back and right leg for acupuncture. When she came back 5 days later, I was told she'd cut down the medication from 16 to 3 tablets each day. The pain was so much better and she was smiling. I added another point for the second session of acupuncture, and Jean was back to normal soon after this.